International Survey on Entrepreneurship and Organizational Culture((Takes 10-15 minutes)

Entrepreneurship is emerging as an important driver for economic development and social vitality, business growth, and job creation. Activation of entrepreneurship is very important both at the national level and at the corporate level. The core elements of entrepreneurship have also expanded and developed, and entrepreneurship is emerging in many areas. In this regard, the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) has been promoting Humane Entrepreneurship as one of the four key goals established during MSMEs International Day.
This questionnaire is divided into seven parts. [Part 1] includes the demographic information about your company. [Part 2] is a survey of Humane Entrepreneurial Orientation. [Part 3] investigates Entrepreneurial Orientation. [Part 4] asks about Engagement and Excellence. [Part 5] includes Questions on Governance and System of Your Company. [Part 6] asks about your Company's Performance.

Your feedback about the questions is very important. Please answer ALL questions to the best of your ability. All of your responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. We ask for your participation and support. Thank you.
Ki-Chan Kim,
Chair, (International Council for Small Business) ICSB,
Chair Professor of aSSIST University in Seoul, Visiting Professor of George Washington University,USA,Emeritus Professor of The Catholic University of Korea,
International Chancellor of President University, Indonesia
Humane Entrepreneurship Practice Professor, AEU University, Malaysia

Question Title

#. The following are the questions that assess the status of human-centered entrepreneurship in individual companies. Please take an objective look at your company's situation and mark the closest point to your perception about each question. If you do not work for or run a company, please stop your response.

# Do you belong to a company and work as an executive or employee?