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Enrich Gainsight data with SurveyMonkey responses
  • Use the Survey Statistics, Response Report, and Text Analytics tools within Gainsight to draw actionable conclusions from your combined data sets
  • View SurveyMonkey response data in Gainsight 360
  • Set up one-time or recurring syncs of SurveyMonkey responses
  • Gather periodic feedback on your product or process with surveys focused on NPS, customer satisfaction, ROI, and more.

Gainsight Admins can integrate SurveyMonkey with Gainsight to import and analyze the survey responses. Gainsight users can then derive more customer insights from these survey responses and transform them into actionable steps.

This article guides Gainsight Admins through how to integrate SurveyMonkey with Gainsight. With this integration, the SurveyMonkey questions and responses are accessible within Gainsight for analysis.

Refer to Gainsight integration with SurveyMonkey for more details.