Customer Journey Mapping With Integrated Planning, Execution and Analytics
3 Touchpoint Inventory
3 Customer Journey Mapping
3 Touchpoint-Level Survey Integration and Planning
3 Customer Journey Analytics

The Customer Journey Mapping application makes it easy to do the following:

  • Plan and execute SurveyMonkey surveys in the context of customer journey maps and touchpoints
  • See the results of those surveys within those same contexts
  • Iterate accordingly through changes in the different channels that make up customer journey experiences

The entire User Experience of creating customer journey maps and surveys within touchpoints on those maps is seamless, with integration and direct connection between and your SurveyMonkey account within the context of each step.

Key benefits of this integrated application are:

  • Makes it easy to visualize and ideate where new surveys can be created along customer journeys to enhance knowledge and insight
  • Saves time and effort by connecting survey creation to your customer journey touchpoint contexts, making it seamless to adding many useful surveys through your SurveyMonkey account
  • Saves time to customer journey insight by connecting your survey results to your customer journey map touchpoints
  • Adds to your agility in responding to insights from your customer journey feedback in executing on real-life changes and then seeing the results and continuing to iterate
  • Helps to build a collaborative data- and feedback-driven culture across your customer journeys

This application is available on a free-trial basis for 30-days. Sign-up for a free trial here to get started.