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시장 조사에 필요한 모든 것을 갖춘 솔루션

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고객을 만족시켜 지지자로 만드는 것이 무엇인지 파악

실행 가능한 인사이트를 얻어 사용자 경험을 개선

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참석자들의 피드백을 받아 회의 운영 방법을 개선

동료 피드백을 통한 직원 성과 향상

더 나은 코스를 만들고 교수법을 개선

학생들이 코스 자료 및 프레젠테이션을 어떻게 평가하는지 파악

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SurveyMonkey 이용에 대한 튜토리얼 및 사용법 가이드

최고의 브랜드들이 SurveyMonkey로 성장을 견인하는 방법

영업팀에 문의로그인
영업팀에 문의로그인

Pressure test ideas with your target audience before investing and get results in as little as an hour.

Tweezerman logo
Kajabi logo
JUST logo
Sakura logo
LionTree logo
Screenshot of SurveyMonkey product concept scorecard surrounded by insights

Pressure test new ideas and concepts before investing precious resources. Know what will resonate most with your target audience, where you can make improvements, and what’s most likely to drive purchase behavior. Get stakeholder buy-in faster with data that proves your idea is a winner.

Get AI-generated data points without having to sift through complex data.

Highlight the most common words and phrases from open-ended questions with Word Cloud. And automatically identify trends within key segments, such as how one group responds differently than your target market.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey ad testing solution showing key drivers to purchase intent graph next to word cloud
Man working on laptop next to graph showing attribute scores

Our AI-powered technology uses machine learning to identify the attributes that stand out and give you an at-a-glance view of the groups that responded well to your concepts. See which concepts won in each age bracket, income bracket, geographic location, or any other criteria you choose.

Forget manual sorting or filtering in spreadsheets. Get insights quickly in an easily-shareable format: PowerPoint presentation, CSV, XLS, SPSS, and more.

We incorporate industry-proven survey methodology with our global SurveyMonkey Audience panel, so you can customize your research and target the exact audience you need. From consumers to professionals, tap into trusted insights from 335M+ people in 130+ countries.

After your survey launches, we automatically clean your data and remove poor-quality responses so you get only the most reliable insights.

Screenshot of Audience Panel demographic selection, surrounded by images of various people

Decide on what you’d like to test and what kind of target audience you’d like to take your survey. Our Concept Testing solution is expert-built with pre-written questions, but you can easily customize your survey.

Whether you’re a seasoned market researcher or just starting your insights journey, our intuitive platform makes it easy to leverage industry-leading methodology.

Save time on manual analysis and get meaningful, AI-powered insights in as little as an hour. Quickly share your findings in a custom report to wow stakeholders and inspire the right next move.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey logo testing solution

Uncover the optimal logo design for your brand or products.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey name testing solution

Test out different names for your brand, product, or service.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey package testing solution

Get feedback from your target audience on packaging designs.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey message and claims testing solution

Get feedback on messages, taglines, product copy, and more.