
SurveyMonkey는 모든 사용 사례와 요구를 다루도록 구축되었습니다. 제품을 둘러보고 SurveyMonkey로 어떤 효과를 누릴 수 있는지 알아보세요.

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정보 수집과 결제를 위한 온라인 양식을 만들고 맞춤화하세요.

빌트인 AI을 통한 더 나은 설문조사 작성과 빠른 인사이트 발견

시장 조사에 필요한 모든 것을 갖춘 솔루션


비즈니스에 대한 고객 만족도와 충성도를 측정

고객을 만족시켜 지지자로 만드는 것이 무엇인지 파악

실행 가능한 인사이트를 얻어 사용자 경험을 개선

잠재 고객, 참석자 등으로부터 연락처 정보를 수집

다음 이벤트를 위해 쉽게 RSVP를 받고 확인

다음 이벤트의 개선을 위해 참석자가 무엇을 원하는지 파악

참여도를 높이고 더 나은 결과를 이끌어낼 인사이트를 발견

참석자들의 피드백을 받아 회의 운영 방법을 개선

동료 피드백을 통한 직원 성과 향상

더 나은 코스를 만들고 교수법을 개선

학생들이 코스 자료 및 프레젠테이션을 어떻게 평가하는지 파악

신제품 아이디어에 대한 고객의 생각을 파악


설문조사 및 설문조사 데이터 사용에 대한 모범 사례

설문조사, 비즈니스를 위한 팁 등에 관한 블로그

SurveyMonkey 이용에 대한 튜토리얼 및 사용법 가이드

최고의 브랜드들이 SurveyMonkey로 성장을 견인하는 방법

영업팀에 문의로그인
영업팀에 문의로그인
Screenshots of various SurveyMonkey market research solutions, including concept testing, MaxDiff, and price optimization


Make better decisions with market, industry, and buyer insights. Create a free account and get feedback fast starting at $1 USD per response.

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Choose your audience to get an estimate.  We'll send your survey to people from our global panel who match your criteria. From consumers to professionals, connect with 335M+ people in 130+ countries.

SurveyMonkey Genius uses AI to expedite and support each stage of your research, from guiding the survey creation process to spotting trends and patterns in your data.

Our intuitive platform makes it easy to gather and analyze data at scale. High data quality standards ensure your results are accurate. Plus, with custom reporting and exports, you can quickly share presentation-ready insights.

Learn about consumer preferences, habits, and purchase behaviors.

Find the optimal price point and range for your product or service.

Make better decisions on products and marketing messages.

Two people looking at a screen together, next to screenshots of SurveyMonkey usage and attitudes solution and price optimization solution
Woman sitting and looking at tablet next to screenshots of SurveyMonkey concept testing solution and insights

Test product ideas and compare against industry benchmarks.

Quickly test and prioritize early-stage product or creative ideas with your target audience.

Test out different names for your brand, product, or service.

Uncover the optimal logo design for your brand or products.

Get feedback from your target audience on packaging designs.

Test your marketing and advertising campaigns before you launch.

Get feedback on messages, taglines, product copy, and more.

Find out how your videos resonate with your target audience.

Woman working on laptop, next to screenshots of SurveyMonkey ad testing solution
Screenshot of Audience Panel demographic selection, surrounded by images of various people

Tap into trusted insights from 335M+ people in 130+ countries, with 200+ unique targeting options. We automatically clean your data and remove poor-quality responses so you can confidently make decisions based on real-time, reliable insights.

Screenshot of product concept scorecard from SurveyMonkey concept testing solution

Test your products before you bring them to market with Concept Testing by SurveyMonkey.

Screenshot of results from a survey question in bar graph format

Learn what to expect once your project is live and collecting responses.

Various icons of graphs and charts

Explore quantitative research, including how to use it and the best ways to collect data.

Screenshot of Audience Panel demographic selection

How our research team ensures your surveys receive thoughtful, consistent responses.

Go to market confidently with our expert-built market research solutions.