
SurveyMonkey는 모든 사용 사례와 요구를 다루도록 구축되었습니다. 제품을 둘러보고 SurveyMonkey로 어떤 효과를 누릴 수 있는지 알아보세요.

온라인 설문조사의 글로벌 리더로부터 데이터 기반 인사이트를 얻으세요.

하나의 강력한 플랫폼에 있는 핵심 기능과 고급 도구를 살펴보세요.

정보 수집과 결제를 위한 온라인 양식을 만들고 맞춤화하세요.

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비즈니스에 대한 고객 만족도와 충성도를 측정

고객을 만족시켜 지지자로 만드는 것이 무엇인지 파악

실행 가능한 인사이트를 얻어 사용자 경험을 개선

잠재 고객, 참석자 등으로부터 연락처 정보를 수집

다음 이벤트를 위해 쉽게 RSVP를 받고 확인

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참석자들의 피드백을 받아 회의 운영 방법을 개선

동료 피드백을 통한 직원 성과 향상

더 나은 코스를 만들고 교수법을 개선

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SurveyMonkey 이용에 대한 튜토리얼 및 사용법 가이드

최고의 브랜드들이 SurveyMonkey로 성장을 견인하는 방법

영업팀에 문의로그인
영업팀에 문의로그인

Church and faith-based surveys

How religious groups can learn more about the communities you serve

When you work for a church, you often wear many hats.

Spiritual leader. Office manager. Program director. Volunteer organizer. Funds raiser. You need insights to make good decisions about programming, volunteer staffing, fundraising and community projects. SurveyMonkey gives you powerful online survey tools to get the insights you need to serve your church community.

It’s easy and FREE to get started with SurveyMonkey. Create your own survey, or use a survey template written and tested by survey experts.

Millions and millions of people around the world use our online surveys to glean insights and information. On behalf of religious organizations, people use SurveyMonkey non-profit online surveys to gather member, volunteer, community, and donor and recipient opinions quickly, easily and inexpensively.

Here are some of the ways you can use SurveyMonkey online surveys to help your community or faith-based organization.

  • Event planning. Use SurveyMonkey online meeting and event planning surveys at all planning stages—pre-event, post-event or even during an event to ensure high engagement and positive outcomes. Planning a potluck at your temple or church? Survey your membership to see what foods they can bring.
  • Fundraising. Get feedback on your approach to fundraising, and find out what your donors thought of the last fundraiser you held. Learn a little more about donor plans with our past and predicted donations survey.
  • Organizing religious volunteers. Use our volunteer feedback survey to ask about your volunteers’ experience with your organization – and gauge their willingness to continue volunteering with you.
  • Community programs. Find out more about your community by using our demographics surveys. Explore your members’ and the larger community’s experiences with your organization, learn about attitudes toward your faith, and make sure you’re meeting everyone’s needs by customizing a customer feedback template or Net Promoter Score.

Use our free templates, written by experts, to easily create surveys, then get them in front of your target audience using email, Twitter, your website or Facebook page.

SurveyMonkey makes it easy for you to create and distribute surveys, and then collect and analyze the results.

Start by signing up for a free account, and create your survey using any of our two dozen plus free online survey templates. Or create your own survey templates using our Question Bank, your source for thousands of pre-written, methodologically-sound questions that help you get useful responses. All of our surveys meet website accessibility standards. Plus, they look great on just about any desktop or mobile device.

After you’ve created your online survey, generate a link to it, and then gather responses by including this link in an email, or on websites, Twitter, Facebook and more. You can also add it to paper programs and invitations to get feedback after a service. You can even record your survey in your own voice, and deliver it as a telephone surveySurveyMonkey Precision Polling lets you design, record, and run automated phone surveys quickly and easily. It’s a convenient option for those who might prefer not to go online.

Want to learn about religious attitudes of people outside of your immediate faith-based community? We can also help you reach a broader segment. SurveyMonkey Audience gives you access to millions of online respondents who are ready to provide the answers you need. Create your online survey, choose your custom audience, and start learning!


역할 또는 업계에서 피드백을 활용할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 디자인한 도구 키트를 살펴보세요.


전문가가 작성한 400개 이상의 맞춤형 설문조사 템플릿을 둘러보세요. SurveyMonkey로 관심을 끄는 설문조사를 신속하게 만들어 보내세요.


퇴사자 인터뷰 설문조사에서 올바른 질문을 하여 직원 감소율을 낮추세요. 직원 양식 작성기 도구와 템플릿으로 지금 시작하세요.


맞춤 동의서 양식으로 필요한 허가를 받으세요. 지금 무료로 가입하여 동의서 양식 템플릿으로 간편하게 양식을 만드세요.