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Online shopping survey

Learn how to delight your online customers

How better to ensure customer delight and repeat business than to give shoppers an online experience well beyond their expectations?

And are you? For starters, you need to know if your customers love your product selection and pricing. Can they find the information they need online to make a buying decision? Is ordering quick and easy? Can they get assistance if and when they need it? Do they like your shipping and return policies? How easy is it to search your website and discover products?

Even a small business makes a big impression when you create opportunities for your customers to tell you exactly what they want. And online questionnaires are a terrific way to do so.

Ask for honest feedback, and then use it to create the online shopping experience that will win you loyal customers.

Survey your customers to find out if they’re enjoying their experience with your business. Identify areas of excellence and opportunity for improvement, and use that information to focus your investments.

Need a faster technology platform? Is it time to spruce up your site’s look and feel? Survey your users to evaluate and improve the online shopping experience you’re delivering.

Ask your customers to provide feedback on your products. What did they think of the quality and the cost? Is this a product they would buy online regularly? Find out if they would consider a regular auto-ship subscription for this product or others.

Referrals build businesses! Find out if your satisfied customers would happily recommend you to their family and friends. Poll them to discover if they would be willing to talk about your business or products through their social networks on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more.

Build better customer engagements online. Use surveys to get shoppers’ insights about your company, your products, and the quality of the online experience you’re delivering. Start with one of our survey templates and use it as is, or customize it to meet your needs.

Do you delight your customers? Use this survey to find out if you’re a pleasure to do business with, and if your customers would happily recommend you to others.

No online experience is ever perfect, but every challenge is an opportunity to woo and win a customer. Survey your shoppers after an engagement with a customer service representative and find out if that moment of truth delivered the happy outcome you want.

Just introduced or testing a new product? Survey your shoppers for feedback. Use PopUps to target customers who purchased the product to get their early assessment of selection, quality, and pricing.

Ask your site visitors how likely they are to buy online. Are there certain products they prefer to purchase – or do they have concerns about online shopping? Use this information to fine-tune their experience on your site, including what merchandise you’ll offer for purchase online.

Dig a little deeper to understand how customers are using your site. Do they visit primarily to research a product? Do a little competitive shopping? Or purchase conveniently online? Use Filters to explore responses and determine if you’re offering shoppers the information and incentives they need to buy on your site.

to add a list of emails into SurveyMonkey and send a unique survey link through a message delivered by the SurveyMonkey mail server. You can then track individuals’ responses, including who has responded, who has not, and who has opted out.

Get the insights you need to develop your new product, determine pricing and placing, or shape your promotional offering. SurveyMonkey Audience gives you access to millions of respondents ready to provide the answers you need.

Try these tactics to encourage customers to complete your surveys.

Keep your surveys short and sweet. Know your objective, and ask only for the information you need.

Use a friendly, welcoming tone. Dabble in light humor if appropriate – but know your audience; humor can be subjective.

Little incentives like a small discount or entry into a drawing can help you obtain more responses.

Let your customers know how the feedback you’re gathering is contributing to their improved online shopping experience.

Frau mit roten Haaren erstellt eine Umfrage auf einem Laptop

역할 또는 업계에서 피드백을 활용할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 디자인한 도구 키트를 살펴보세요.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sehen sich einen Artikel auf ihrem Laptop an und schreiben dabei Informationen auf Notizzettel

전문가가 작성한 400개 이상의 맞춤형 설문조사 템플릿을 둘러보세요. SurveyMonkey로 관심을 끄는 설문조사를 신속하게 만들어 보내세요.

Lachender Mann mit Brille vor einem Laptop

퇴사자 인터뷰 설문조사에서 올바른 질문을 하여 직원 감소율을 낮추세요. 직원 양식 작성기 도구와 템플릿으로 지금 시작하세요.

Frau sieht sich Informationen auf ihrem Laptop an

맞춤 동의서 양식으로 필요한 허가를 받으세요. 지금 무료로 가입하여 동의서 양식 템플릿으로 간편하게 양식을 만드세요.